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2 Match(es) found

Margaret Cho

Main Cause(s): media reform
Keyword(s): health reform
Movies In: Ground Control, It's My Party, TV:All American Girl
Web Link 1:
Web Link 2: Unknown
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Photo Link: Unknown
Submitted by: Johanna McCloy
Activism bio (charitable work)
Margaret Cho is the first Asian American comedian to hit the big time. Her life story about growing up as a second generation child of traditional Korean parents is the fodder for her humor, and it has broken the mold and opened up discourse about culture, racism, feminism and the generation gap. She is also a vegan, but does make one exception: honey. She also stopped drinking alcohol and lives a sober lifestyle. Margaret Cho has established herself as a healthy and outspoken role model for young Asian Americans and other minorities who need an example in order to break out of traditional molds.

Phil Donahue

Main Cause(s): institutional reform
Keyword(s): political reform
Movies In: Donahue (TV talk show 1985-1986)
Web Link 1:
Web Link 2:
Group Link 1:
Group Link 2:
Photo Link:
Submitted by: Johanna McCloy
Activism bio (charitable work)
Phil Donahue received numerous Emmy awards for his daytime talk show, "Donahue", the first talk show to appear on American television. Donahue challenged his audience by debating the issues of the day, many of which involved sexual inequalities and a woman's right to choose . In 1987, he received Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award in honor of his activism supporting womens' reproductive rights. In 2000, he stumped for Ralph Nader and the Green Party during the Presidential campaign, opening for him in public rallies and passionately addressing a variety of issues including drug reform, political campaign reform, environmental stewardship and the ethics of the death penalty.

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